Like many other people on the internet nowadays, I have email! You can email me at k [at] kalechips [dot] net, and here's my PGP key (more information on PGP keys). Alternatively, you can publish a comment in the guestbook below.
If you want your own guestbook like this, my code is available for public use!
i couldn't NOT gush about the gouache piece from 2017 that you uploaded. it. is. GORGEOUS. many people struggle to figure out a palette for darker skins, but you've nailed it. i could stare at this all day. would you be interested in showing the altered version? gold detailing must take it to a whole other level.
You're too kind! The detailing is actually blue to match the paint underneath. I'll get around to posting a picture at an angle so you can see the metallic finish better.
I really like your site! Also big thanks for linking the article about the use of "queer" as a slur. I think it really nicely sums up how I feel about it tbh.
Thank you! I'm glad the article was useful to you (that's why I like sharing them)!
had an absolute blast reading your blog - cant wait for the next entry! and your gallery code is invaluable, thank you so much!
'm really happy to hear the code helped someone. I think your website is super charming and I look forward to seeing it grow.
your site (and art) is beautiful! thank you for the follow. i'll link to your site once i implement the page haha. i really like the alternate styles, that's a really nice touch. + your essay on accessibility was a very good read.
Thank you! I think your website design is very nice as well, and I love the bird page.
I took the afternoon today to look through your site and it’s… like a cold drink on a hot day. You’ve put together such an elegant layout (I enjoy some weird-lookin’ sites, but you’re right about needing to balance that with accessibility) and your detailed and honest writing style has been really fun to read! Definitely makes me feel motivated to write more essays.
I also loved flipping through all your character pages and imagine how they interact with each other. Especially Keiter and Tyler, oh my god I love siblings who know each other well but can barely stand each other… Really cool stuff. Hope this oasis you’ve built for yourself stays lush and watered.
Thank you for the lovely message! I'm happy you enjoy the Tyler-Keiter relationship as much as I enjoy writing them. I have not had as much time with your website as I would like yet, but I've been really into what I've seen so far!
Hey Kale, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment about my writing. It was nice getting someone else's perspective about cheating in academia. I'd love to discuss it more, if you'd care to get in touch. Good luck in your studies - and your own writing on this site!
The pleasure is mine! I have a lot of thoughts about the subject, but getting them together is a different matter...
Nice site! I love the relaxing colors. You're also a very talented artist. I'm going to link you on my page.
Thanks so much for the kind words! I'll put your button on my page as well. Your site design is so fun. Also, you're the first person I've met who also puts corn in their chili. Good taste!
thank you for the kind message in my guestbook!!! Your artwork and website theme is lovely (I enjoy the bee theme very much) and psstt I've added your button >:)
Thank you! I've added your button as well!
your website is so cute and i love your plants ♥
Thank you so much! I do my best to keep the plants happy. Also, I think your website design is so nice!
FINALLY another cofagrigus lover. Underrated despite it being huge when first announced as desukan...!
I've been on the Cofagrigus hype train since it was revealed and I never got off. It's up there for fun and unique Pokemon designs for sure.